

Genome identification tool for Double-strand Break Repair

GDBr is a Python wrapper program that uses blast results to identify double-strand break repairs in the genome. As long as you have a long-read sequenced genome, GDBr will do all the work in one steps, automatically converting all the results to Tab-separated values (TSV) and figures for you. We also used appropriate multiprocessing to realize high performance.


Telomeric Repeat motif Estimation tool with Whole-genome sequencing data

TREW is tool that can identify Telomeric repeat motif (TRM) with any whole-genome sequencing data. This tool looks for repeated sequences in a single read to find candidates for TRMs, iterating through them to finally find a TRM. It also uses oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) for high performance and high-level multithreading, making it 10x faster than traditional tools.